Momamia is built on Bootstrap 3.1, and integrates well with the Bootstrap Shortcodes plugin. We have also included some of our own nifty little shortcodes.
If you copy and paste the shortcodes from below, remember to remove the spaces at the start and end of the tags.
Unf Menu
Only works if you have installed the Unf Menu plugin, which comes with the theme.
[ unfmenu ]
Open Times
The days and times are editable in the theme options.
[ opentimes title="Editable Title" ]
Google Maps Anywhere!
Made for the homepage only at this stage.
[ featurebox title='The MomaMia Cafe' linktext="BOX TITLE HERE" linkurl="YOUR LINK ERE" imgurl="IMAGE URL HERE" ] Box Content Here. [/ featurebox ]

News Ticker
Made to fit on the homepage only at this stage.
[ newsticker title="News Time" pause="5000" ]

Made for the homepage only at this stage.
[ whitebox ] content here ... [/ whitebox]

They come in Large, Medium, Small and Extra Small.
Primary Success Info Warning Danger
Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger
Default Primary Success Info Warning Danger
Extra Small
Default Primary Success Info Warning DangerAlerts
Well done! You successfully read this important alert message.
Heads up! This alert needs your attention, but it’s not super important.
Warning! Best check yo self, you’re not looking too good.
Oh snap! Change a few things up and try submitting again.
my text my text my text my text my text my text my textTabs
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